EAS Medical Group Ltd Corporate Responsibility Policy

Policy Statement

EAS Medical &Grou Ltd. takes corporate social responsibility very seriously. The way in which we operate directly impacts on our customers, employees, suppliers, and the local community.

Operating and behaving in a responsible manner ensures that we are delivering on the subjects that matter to our stakeholders which in turn has a positive impact on our reputation and profitability.

Our main considerations with regards to Corporate Social Responsibility are:

• Our Customers
• Our Employees
• Our Suppliers
• The Local Community
• The Environment

Our Core Values

EAS Medical Group Ltd. operates with a strict set of values which were developed in conjunction with our entire team. All new employees who join our team are briefed on our values and are expected to work and behave in a way that ensures we continue to meet these values.

• We operate with honesty and integrity.
• We are committed to quality and excellence in everything we do.
• We value people and treat them with respect.
• We have pride in the professional services that we deliver.

Our Customers

We are committed to providing our customers with

• Experienced Leaders
• Skilled specialists
• Flexible approach
• Reliable data and transparency with reporting

Honesty and transparency with our customers is the core of everything we deliver. Our customers trust us with their business, assets, and the safety of their own employees so we understand that our clients need to feel confident that our services are delivered in full.

This level of transparency with our customers has enabled us to build a reputation for excellence in service delivery and helps us to maintain strong and open relationships with our customers.

Our Employees

EAS Medical Group Ltd. employs a diverse work force across all sectors of the company and recognises that our employees are the public face of the company and therefore ambassadors of EAS Medical Group Ltd.

• Without our ambassadors, the services would not be delivered, and we would have no customers.

• Without our administrative team, the frontline employees would not have up to date information about their responsibilities and the clients would not have comprehensive and detailed information about the service they received.
• Without our sales and contract management team there would be no clients and our frontline team would have nothing to deliver.

• Without our senior management, there would be no empowering leadership nurturing or valued ambassadors

We take a holistic approach to business and every employee plays a vital part in the success of the business.

All of our employees are aware of our core values and we encourage that they work to these standards at all times.

We are an equal opportunities employer and our policy is to recruit, develop, promote and retain a motivated team who enjoy their work and are committed to the success of EAS Medical Group Ltd., regardless of disability, race, religion, belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or age.

The recruitment and development of our employees is focused on finding the right person for the right role, looking to achieve a balance whereby our employees are as much a part of our client’s team as they are a part of our team. We believe that this improves motivation and ultimately leads to job satisfaction.

Our Suppliers

While we have a national presence, we believe in supporting our local communities by using local services and suppliers so far as reasonably practical. We currently source our stationary, web design, internet services and accountants from within the Swansea Valley community and we support our local medical suppliers in South Wales who is local to our operation centre.

The relationships that we build with our suppliers are as strong and as important to us as the relationships that we build with our customers.

Our suppliers are an extension of our business and their products and services directly impact on our service delivery so it is critical to us that, like EAS Medical Group Ltd., our suppliers have values and principles which are focused on transparency, trust and quality.

The Local Community

EAS Medical Group Ltd. are very much a national company in terms of service, however our Welsh based head office centre is integrated within its local community and supports various community projects.

Details of our community involvement can always be found on our website.

As a security provider, the safety and security of our local community is also important to us. We are actively involved in social media and use this as a platform to keep our followers informed on crime in the local area and keeping them informed about safety bulletins. We follow many local police forces and Neighbourhood Watch groups, and keep our own followers informed with tweets and posts about local activity.

The Environment

EAS Medical Group Ltd. accepts responsibility for the harmful effects that its operations have on both the local and global environment. EAS Medical Group Ltd. is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment, through continuous improvement of our environmental performance.

This policy has been reviewed by the Directors of EAS Medical Group Ltd. and may be used as information for customers, and as part of tender documents.

Specifically, the key points of our Limited’s strategy are:

• To meet, and where possible exceed all relevant environmental legislation.
• To minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. • To minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet vehicles.
• To actively promote re-use and/or recycling wherever possible.
• To purchase, wherever possible, recycled materials and environmentally preferable goods. • To make all employees aware of our Environmental Policy, and encourage all employees to consider the environmental impacts of their daily activities.

Fleet Vehicles

All vehicles are regularly serviced in line with manufacturer specifications, to ensure they are running at optimal efficiency levels.

Vehicles are fitted with tracking devices, and mobile patrol zones and routes are planned to minimise vehicle mileage.

All Company drivers receive regular assessments by a fleet instructor. This focuses on teaching driving techniques which minimise wear and tear on the vehicle and improve fuel economy.


We regularly investigate and assess the use of new technology in order to minimise the impact of its operations on the environment.

Employees are encouraged to use email for the sending and receiving of information, in order to reduce the use of paper. Email recipients are encouraged not to print emails unless it is a necessity and wherever possible, EAS print documentation double sided in order to reduce the amount of paper consumed.

All computers are set to enter a low energy ‘sleep mode’ if not used for certain periods of time.


All confidential company papers are shredded, and the waste is either recycled or used in composting schemes.

The purchase of printer toner cartridges is made through suppliers operating a recycling scheme, and all waste cartridges are returned to the supplier for appropriate re-use and/or recycling.

Batteries and light bulbs are disposed of through appropriate recycling collection points.

Employees are encouraged to re-use packaging and boxes wherever possible, but any unusable packing is recycled through appropriate recycling schemes.